Friday, August 9, 2019

Read Online The Great Chief Justice: John Marshall and the Rule of Law by Charles F. Hobson

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The Great Chief Justice: John Marshall and the Rule of Law

by Charles F. Hobson

Binding: Hardcover
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Amazon Price : $13.11
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Rating: 5.0
Total Reviews: 9

Results The Great Chief Justice: John Marshall and the Rule of Law

The Great Chief Justice John Marshall and the Rule of Law Chief Justice Marshall was a leader when the country needed a strong forward thinking Chief Justice of the Supreme Court The rule of law might not have happened without his long stay on the bench This is an excellent book that delved into his decision making thought process on a variety of cases The Great Chief Justice John Marshall and the Rule of Law Relying primarily on Marshall’s judicial opinions Charles F Hobson in The Great Chief Justice John Marshall and the Rule of Law proceeds to dispel a number of stubborn myths that cloud our understanding of Marshall’s tenure as chief justice He emphasizes that Marshall’s genius lay not in innovative theorizing but in effectively articulating legal principles emanating from the formation of the American Republic The Great Chief Justice John Marshall and the Rule of Law The Great Chief Justice John Marshall and the Rule of Law American Political Thought John Marshall remains one of the towering figures in the landscape of American law From the Revolution to the age of Jackson he played a critical role in defining the province of the judiciary and the constitutional limits of legislative action The Great Chief Justice John Marshall And The Rule Of Law The Great Chief Justice John Marshall and the Rule of Law by Charles F Hobson examines the judicial career of John Marshall as well as the legal culture that helped to shape his political beliefs and his major constitutional opinions John Marshall the Great Chief Justice William Mary John Marshall the Great Chief Justice Generally considered to be the greatest jurist to fill that role Marshall served under Jefferson his political rival and second cousin once removed and four other presidents over the next three decades Marshall studied law at William Mary under the tutelage of George Wythe in 1780 John Marshall The Great Chief Justice The Heritage John Marshall the fourth Chief Justice of the United States presided over the Supreme Court longer than any other occupant of that chair—34 years 1801–1835 The Great Chief Justice John Marshall and the Rule of Law For all his achievements in the political arena chance played a determining role in shaping Marshalls career as chief justice When John Jay declined reappointment as chief in January 1801 the lame duck Adams turned to his secretary of state to fill the vacancy